Welcome to the 26th Annual Alternative Gift Season!
Sambhali U.S.

Enabling marginalized women & girls in Rajasthan, India to determine their own destinies.
Rajasthan, India is one of the worst places to be born female. Many women and girls receive little education and have no say in who or when they marry, where they live, or if they can earn income. Sambhali Trust is an Indian-run grassroots organization in Rajasthan that provides marginalized women and girls facing discrimination based on caste, economic status, religion, and gender with the tools they need to gain control of their lives—including education, vocational training, and services to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. Sambhali U.S., based in Takoma Park, MD, supports this work through telling their stories, raising funds and volunteers, and providing technical support. https://www.sambhalius.org/